Sunday, August 4, 2013

Things Could Get Exciting

So from what I've heard, a couple of the Dying Man shards are calling together a bunch of other Fears to try to help them get out. First off, why in the hell would any Fears HELP The Dying Man? All of them hate those shards, except The Red Cap, but she's a useless slut anyways.

Second off, how would any of them get in here? Unless the Newborn or Quiet was utilized, there'd be no way anyone could break in, not since Thompson made it in here. Even so, The Quiet is kinda hard to control, and.........well, The Newborn could be used, supposedly, but the Department Store Mannequin has him, and I doubt that she'd be very willing to either help or give the Newborn to anyone.

Thirdly, last I checked a good portion of them didn't like each other. So WHY would they want to free another one of their own? Unless they're plotting something.....'s only like, 7:30PM Bliss time, and I am TIRED.....weird...........better post before i drop off

1 comment:

  1. The shards can be ok, depending on the shard. Some are actually quite pleasant to be around, while some are just nasty. :I Such as those rapid decomposition ones. I hate those.
