Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Finally snapped

So Thompson finally lost it...

Seeya later, bitch.
You won't be missed.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Fucking Kidding Me


I can't fucking believe what happened! That fucking Red Handed Jack siced the Grotesque on all of us because Department Store Slut gave him some weird-ass money, and then they fucking charge in here, led by none other than THOMPSON, and steal our fucking shards! We've worked for 16 fucking years to get all six of them! And now that's for nothing!

It's all Thompson's fault! Some of the sleeping timberwolves were killed by Grayskins and Dolls in their sleep last night! I'm gonna end him. I'm gonna fucking destroy him. I'm going to erase him, his family, and anyone he's ever been friends with! I'm going to make sure no one remembers who he is.

But no, Father says. His time will come. He will embrace Father in the end. Everyone does. Father is right. Father is always correct. No matter what.

I'm sitting here at the bar as I'm typing this....and I think I need another's packed in here tonight for the very same reason I'm here.

Embrace The Archangel.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Things Could Get Exciting

So from what I've heard, a couple of the Dying Man shards are calling together a bunch of other Fears to try to help them get out. First off, why in the hell would any Fears HELP The Dying Man? All of them hate those shards, except The Red Cap, but she's a useless slut anyways.

Second off, how would any of them get in here? Unless the Newborn or Quiet was utilized, there'd be no way anyone could break in, not since Thompson made it in here. Even so, The Quiet is kinda hard to control, and.........well, The Newborn could be used, supposedly, but the Department Store Mannequin has him, and I doubt that she'd be very willing to either help or give the Newborn to anyone.

Thirdly, last I checked a good portion of them didn't like each other. So WHY would they want to free another one of their own? Unless they're plotting something.....'s only like, 7:30PM Bliss time, and I am TIRED.....weird...........better post before i drop off

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Driven To The End

Yknow suicidal people who want to die? They go missing sometimes. Usually, if they're aware of it, they wander into the Empty City, meandering in and out of doors until they either get eaten or they exit a door that leads to like, Ellesmere Island or something. Some come directly to us.

That was the case this morning, with, get this, A WILLING DOLL. She just kinda stumbled into Bliss, and asked to see the Archangel. We brought her to Father all shackled up, and she spat at him, so he executed her. We sent her head in the mail to The Screaming Tower. Father said whoever wanted the body could have it, so a bunch of timberwolves took it and then gangbanged it. The headless corpse, that is. They're funny sometimes.

Not like I'm that, though, I prefer my girls warm, living and horny. Chained up and whipped, usually, but alive. It's funny, as a sign of alliance-ship, we traded two proxies. Father gave The Rake a timberwolf, and The Rake gave Father a female Maenad, and my god is she just the horniest little harlot I've ever met. And she's into bondage, so that's a plus. So yeah, I'm not like those sex-starved grunts. We don't get too many female timberwolves, it just....doesn't happen.

What the hell am I doing here, anyways? I'm drinking a bottle of cheap vodka, and posting weird shit on the internet. Ah, well, maybe Thompson and his Department Store Mistress'll be interested to find out what happened to their compadre.

So he wants other proxies to come visit him for the festival he's at! What an idiot. Either he's plotting to kill them, or vice-versa. He may have The Choir and The Blind Man on his side, but that doesn't make him invincible. Maybe I should pay him a little visit.

Embrace The Archangel.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


We got another one! Awesome!

I guess I might as well tell you losers why I'm so happy now, but when Father is happy, we're all happy! Seriously, we don't have a choice in the matter. WE ARE HAPPY.

Anyways, I'm legitimately happy cause it's something that Father and I do together! We have a bit of a collection together, but it's a rather unorthodox one.

We collect Dying Man shards. We have six now. (We used to have five.) We have The Moonlight, The Shining One, and three that don't seem to be mentioned elsewhere.
There's one called The Pulse, who seems to just be a heartbeat, we don't know what else he does.
There's another called The Emptiness, who just kind of speaks softly and in riddles, he apparently possesses people and makes them feel empty inside, eventually killing themselves.
Plus there's another one called The Dark, who seems to just speak in a voice so gruff we can't tell what the fuck he's saying. He seems to make people so afraid of the dark they get paralyzed whenever they're in it, making them more susceptible to well....anything, really.

But now we have Grey. Yes, that's right, we have HIM. Some of my timbersquad (I seriously want to punch the face of whatever Apostle made up that name for our groups) brought in...what was left of him. Seriously, he was decaying awfully. He was legless, and his entire left arm had decayed, as had his right arm below the elbow. His right eye had fallen out and his brain was visible.

His mouth was duct taped over, so we began the collection process. We keep them all in one body, transitioning them every now and again to a different body, but keep them all together. We put them both in one room, the body holding the five's mouth still duct taped over. One timberwolf who took him inside was wearing earplugs, and he ripped off Grey's duct tape and ran, closing the door. As soon as Grey shouted "Let me in!" The body he was once in disappeared. So now we have six of them. We may even use them as weapons at some point.

Embrace The Archangel.